C. G. T.’s scientific team deals with career guidance issues; employment and education for over 20 years and our members have posted more than 450 similar reports, researches, studies, monographies and books. Our company was created in 2002 and has its current name since 2007. Our goal is to research, coordinate and elevate the vision of its central scientific team and collaborators. The company consists of economists, psychologists, work sociologists, career advisors, educators and informatics.

Katsanevas Theodoros (PhD, LS..E.).

Head of the scientific team and creator of the test. Professor at university of Piraeus and director of Greek counseling and directing company (ELESIP)

At the scientific team, university teachers and researchers from the fields of economics, psychology, work sociology, education and information technology have been and still are in collaboration. Some of them are:

  1. Xristos Jekinis – tutor, Leakhead University Canada.
  2. Nikos Fakiolas,D. sociologist –researcher A , EKKE, ex. Director in National Career Center,
  3. Ilias Livanos, (PhD) Assistant Professor of Oxford Brooks University,
  4. Kostas Athanasiou, (PhD) lector at Piraeus University,
  5. Ioanna Tsiaparikou, (PhD) Economist researcher at Piraeus University,
  6. Tania Kavroulaki, ( Μ.Α.), Psychologist – advisor,
  7. Ekaterini Vager, (Μ.Α), Educational advisor
  8. Kottios Konstadinos, (Ph.D), Vocational Direction advisor,
  9. Taousanis Xristos, (Ph.D), Vocational Direction advisor
  10. Konstantinos Saltas, ( Μ.Α.), Educator – advisor,
  11. Maria Tzortzaki, (Μ.Α.), psychologist,
  12. Mixalis Petevis ( Μ.Α.), advisor,
  13. Georgia Kefala, ( Μ.Α.) advisor,
  14. Virginia Makri, ( Μ.Α,) psychologist advisor,
  15. Kaiti Zineli, ( Μ.Α.) advisor. E.p.,
  16. Mary Papantoni , (Β.Α.), education,
  17. Nikos Lisikakos, (Μ.Α.), education,
  18. Elisaios Artopoulos , (Β.Α.) economist,
  19. Olga Zagoraiou (Μ.Α.),Economist human resources advisor,
  20. Varvara Paxou, ( Β.Α.). psychologist, advisor e.p
  21. Thomi Zisopoulou (Μ.Α.), psychologist – Vocational Direction advisor
  22. Stefanos Karakitsos ( Μ.Α.) economist – mathematician –researcher.